Tricky Time Complexity


List is like array so operation at beginning of the list is costly.

  • append: $O(1)$
  • insert(0, item): $O(n)$
  • pop: $O(1)$
  • pop(0): $O(n)$


Because deque at its core is a double-linked list so it's more efficient than list

  • appendleft: $O(1)$
  • append: $O(1)$
  • pop: $O(1)$
  • popleft: $O(1)$
  • in: $O(n)$ — since it's a linked list

Heap Theory

  • findMin(): $O(1)$
    • In python we just query heap[0]
  • pop(): $O(logn)$
    • When calling pop() we need to start building the heap again to determine the lowest
  • insert(): $O(logn)$


  • in: $O(1)$
  • x.union(y): $O(x + y)$
  • x.intersect(y): $O(min(x, y))$

Sorted Set

  • in: $O(logn)$
  • add: $O(logn)$
  • remove: $O(logn)$


  • $O(V + E)$ with
    • $V$ number of vertices — which is the same as the number of nodes.
      • So given an $m \times n$ array, $V$ would be $m \times n$
    • $E$ number of edges — which is the connection between a node
      • For example a 3x2 array would have 7 $E$.
      • We can use the following formula: $$E = m \times (n-1) + n \times (m-1)$$
        • Which in this case $E = 3 \times 1 + 2 \times 2 = 7$

DFS recursion

  • Depends on how we call the recursion in the for dr,dc loop.
    • If there is 4 and the total node we travel is m x n then it would be $O(4^{(m \times n)})$
    • If there is 2 direction and the total node we travel is m + n then it would be $O(2^{(m + n)})$


  • Add w words of size l: $O(w * l)$
  • Search for word of size l: $O(l)$
  • Prefix $O(prefix)$

Skip List

  • Search: $O(logn)$
  • Insert: $O(logn)$
  • Delete: $O(logn)$


  • Time compexity: $O(n \times n!)$ since the tree expands out from n items at the root and then n-1, n-2, n-3,... and at each pivot (start index) we have $n!$ ways of choosing

Combination Sum

  • Time complexity: $O(2^{target})$ since at each number we can either take or not (2 choices), and then we can choose duplication so sum up to a target


  • Time complexity: $O(n \times 2^{n})$ for $n$ number we will have $2^n$ subsets. And we perform the basket.copy() which will be $O(n)$