
There are a few ways:

  • LinkedList + Hash: Map (fileId: File) with previousFile: Filein the File for previous version

    • Time complexity:
      • $O(1)$ for removal and add
      • $O(n)$ for searching
    • Improvement could be Skip List but increase complexity
    • Store less file in our Cache
  • Map (fileId: File) with static previousVersion: LinkedHashMap {version: File} in File for previous version across all files

    • Time complexity :
      • $O(1)$ for removal and Add
      • $O(1)$ for searching
    • Concurrency could be a problem since there is only Synchronised library
    • However version are not sorted
      NOTE try to avoid this one because if we need to store the latest version, LinkedHashMap would not have the latest key API
  • Map (fileId: File) with static previousVersion: TreeMap {version: File} for File for previous version accross all files

    • Time complexity:
      • $O(logn)$ for everything
    • Can use ConcurrentSkipListMap however will also be $O(logn)$
    • Versions are sorted
    • Recommended because it support a lot of api, last entry, tailMap, etc

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