
Query is for retrieving results, similar to GET in REST API.

Client side

Query can be done using the following format:

	users { 

However, it's recommended to add an operaton name as it will be easier to debug.

query GetUserName {
	users {

Note: if you want to execute 2 query of the same name, you will need to use aliases, for example it's not possible to do the following

query GetUserName {
	users(id: 123456) {
	users(id: 343456) {


We can start building our resolver that returns all the users, with database object value as this.

var rootValue = {
	users: () => {
	    return database;

For this query to work, we also needs to declare our schema type

var schema = buildSchema(`
    type Query {
        users: [User]

Note: It's technically possible to write query to mutate the data (similar to mutation) because of resolver. However by convention we're not doing so - just like it's also technically possible to write GET to behave as POST