Parallel Detection
A process that will automatically kicked in if Autonegotation fail. Basically it will try sending signal to the: 10Base-T, 100Base-TX
and 100Base-T4
If any of these driver receives the signal, the speed is set to that process
10Base-T does not support full-duplex. Some implementation has full duplex but many does not have
100 Base-T
Does support full-duplex. However the default behavior is often setup to be half-duplex. For full-duplex you must set manually
Has much more robust Autonegotation protocol. Gigabit interfaces should be left to Autonegotation most situation
Because10 Base-T
and100 Base-T
is not fully supported full-duplex. Therefore if autonegotiation fail, the safest thing is to choose half-duplex for both