• Pub/sub patternPasted image 20221006165213.png
  • Can have as many receveivers.
  • Up to 12,500,000 subscriptions per topics
  • 100,000 topics limit

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Topic Publish vs Direct Publish

  • Topic Publish (SDK)
    • Create topic
    • Create subscription(s)
    • Publish topic
  • Direct Publish
    • Create platform application
    • Create platform endpoint
    • Publish to platform endpoint
    • Works with Google GCM, Apple APNS, Amazon ADM


  • Encryption
    • HTTPS in-flight encryption
    • KMS keys encryption at rest
    • Client-side encryptions
  • Access controls:
    • IAM
  • SNS Access Policies
    • Useful for cross-account access
    • Allow other services to write into your SNS topic