ElasticCache Strategy

Caching strategies for ElasticCache

Caching design pattern

  • Lazy Loading / Cache-aside / Lazy population (all the same thing)
    • Only write to cache if cache does not contain the information
    • Pasted image 20220923160421.png
    • Pros: Only requested data is cached.
    • Cons: Cache miss resulted into 3 round trips so extra latency. Data can be stale as well in the database if cache miss keeps happening
  • Write through
    • Add or update the cache when database is updated
    • Pasted image 20220923162043.png
    • Pros:
      • Data is never stale, reads are quick
      • Write penalty is only 2 calls comparing to lazy loading
    • Cons:
      • Data is missing until you update or add new data into database
        • We can also implement lazyloading as well to counter this
      • Cache churn: Add a lot but how much of the cache is actually needed
  • Cache Evictions and Time-to-live (TTL)
    • Remove the data out of your cache to save space
    • Item is evicted because memory is full and it's not recently used (LRU)
    • If too many evictions happen due to memory then increase cache size


  • Lazy-loading works really well and easy to implement in all situation. Especially on the read side
  • Write-through is usually combined with Lazy Loading to maximise the benefit
  • TTL is not bad but becareful when you use write through (because you keep writing to the cache). You need to tune to a good parameter
  • Only cache the data that makes sense (user profiles, blogs, etc ...)