Dynamo Local Secondary Index (Lsi)

  • Definition
    • contains a subset of attributes from the table
    • provide you an additional sort key for your table
      • Sort key consist of scalar attirbute (String, Number, Binary)
    • Up to 5 Local Secondary index per table
  • Usage
    • To query based on attributes for DynamoDB
  • LSI Must be defined at table creation time
  • Attribute Projections
    • Can contain some of all attributes in base tables (KEY_ONLY, INCLUDE, ALL)
    • Can get these attribute even though it's not projected with the index. DynamoDB will fetch it from the table
  • Use WCUs and RCUs the main table

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If you want to query based on Game_TS and User_ID without having to do manual client filtering. You have to define LSI at Game_TS