Cache Tier

A tier stands between the webserver and the database.

If there is data in Javascript cache then return it.

If data doesn't exist in cache then save it into cache.

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Caching consideration

  • Expiration policy
    • Specify TTL for a cache so that the cache can be invalidate itself
  • use when data is read frequently but modified infrequently.
    • Since it's in-memory, if the cache restarts, everything will gone
  • Eviction policy
    • When TTL has not expired and there is in coming cache. We need to be able to evict it
    • Some of the common algorithms
      • Least Recently Used (LRU)
      • Least Frequently Used (LFU)
      • First in First Out (FIFO)
  • Consistency
    • Need to make sure that the data in database and the data in cache is in sync. This depends on our write strategy.
    • Do we only update when cache hits or when database is updated?
    • Especially when caching between multiple region as well
  • Mitigating failure
    • Single cache server == single point of failure.
    • We need multiple cache server across different data centers to avoid failure