ClientID, Consumer Group ID And Consumer ID

ClientId is the same as Consumer Group ID and are set in Kafka spring with groupId

  • Note: In Confluent control center, they call the Consumer Group ID ClientId. Where as in some other UI, they just call it Consumer

ConsumerId is the unique ID for the consumer itself.

So for example if we assign 2 consumers in the same group, the topic has 6 partitions.

We should have

  • 2 unique consumerId
  • 6 Parition being read by those 2 unique consumerId

Pasted image 20231129100028.png

If you can see in here there are only 2 unique consumerId: consumer-listener1-2-6723aafa-e4df-4305-9f0c-2653111c94cd and consumer-listener1-1-00d37f39-5404-481e-a30c-1218d4013c6d