TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

TCP and UDP (User Diagram Protocol) lives in layer 4 in OSI Layers.

TCP splits the data into small managable segment.

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Each segment is marked as a sequence number. When the other device (Device B) receives these segments of data. It will sort these segments based on the sequence number:

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TCP also provides error checking to make sure that the data is not corrupted.


TCP does not preseve packet boundaries. Which means by default, it automatically cut the packet into chunks no matters how big it is. For example:

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TCP needs ACK and SYNC. The steps are:

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Packet Header

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  • Source/Destination Port: source and the destination port number (not the ip address)
    • A socket = ip + port
  • Sequence number: 32 bits keep track of the order of the packet
  • Acknowledgement number: 32 bits of the next sequence number should expect
    • If the Acknowledgement number != next sequence number then the packet is marked as lost
  • HLEN (Header Length): 4 bits identify the length of the header. This is necessary because the length of Options is undefined and can be varied.
  • Reserved: Always set to 0
  • Flags: 8 1 -bit flags are used for data flow and connection control
    • The flags are:
      1. Congestion Window Reduced (CWR)
      2. ECN (Echo ECE)
      3. Urgent (URG)
      4. Acknowledgement (ACK)
      5. Push (PSH)
      6. Reset (RST)
      7. Synchronize (SYN)
      8. Final (FIN)
  • window size: 16 bit field for flow control. How many bytes sender is allowed to transmit without receiving an acknowledgement
  • Checksum: 16 bits for errordetection
  • Urgent pointer: only use when URG flag is set. This 16 bit is added to the end for urgent data
  • Options: options required by the senders process. Normally use to specify Maximum Segment Size — informs the receiver of the largest segment the sender is willing to accept