
  • Provides governance, compliance and audit for AWS account
  • Enabled by default (for all region)
    • Have option to put into single region
  • Get history of events / API calls make within your AWS account
    • SDK
    • CLI
    • Webconsole
    • IAM Users, Role
  • Can put logs into S3 or CloudWatch Logs
  • If something is deleted, investigate in cloud trail
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CloudTrail Events

  • Management events (default)
    • Operations that are performed on resources in your account
    • by default CloudTrail only log this
    • Can separate Read events (that don't modify resources) from Write Events (may modify resources)
  • Data events (not enabled by default)
    • S3 Object level activity (GetObject, Delete Object, ...) can separate Read and Write Events
    • AWS Lambda Function execution Activity (Invoke API)
  • CloudTrail Insights Events

Notes: Events are only store 90 days. To keep them longer, store into S3 and then analyse using Athena

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