Update Options

Some of the update option for Elastic Beanstalk

  • All at once (deploy all in one go)
    • fastest but has down timePasted image 20220928110734.png
  • Rolling
    • update a few instances at a time
    • the application will be running below capacityPasted image 20220928110822.png
  • Rolling with additional batches
    • like rolling but we spin up new instances so that the old application is still available
    • the application will not be running under capacity
    • small additional cost
    • Good for prod Pasted image 20220928110958.png
  • immutable:
    • Spin new instances in new ASG, deploy these instances and swaps when everything is ready
    • Zero downtime
    • High cost
    • Great for prodPasted image 20220928111053.png
  • Blue/green deployment
    • Zero downtime
    • Create new environment (green) can be validated
    • Setup route 53 as weighted policyPasted image 20220928111206.png
  • Traffic splitting
    • good for canary testing
    • new application version is deployed to a temporary ASG with the same capacity
    • Small % of traffic send to the temporary ASG for a configurable amount of time
    • If there is a deployment failure, it will trigger automated rolback (very quick)Pasted image 20220928111437.png