CloudFront Advanced Concepts

Some good to know for CloudFront


Depends on the location cost different price

  • Price classes
      1. All: all regions -- best performance
      1. 200: most regions -- excludes most expensive regions
      1. 100: only the least expensive regions

Multiple origin

Route to different origins based on the pathPasted image 20220927131657.png

Origin group: consist of 1 primary and 1 secondary origin

  • If primary origin fail => Second origin is usedPasted image 20220927131754.png

  • We can also do this with Amazon S3Pasted image 20220927131910.png

Field level encryption

  • Protect user sensitive information through application
  • Sensitive information encrypted at edge close to the user
  • Uses asymmetric encryption
  • To use
    • Speicfy set of fields in POST request that you want to encrypt (up to 10)
    • Specify public key to encrypt themPasted image 20220927132154.png