Envelope Encryption

  • For Symmetric Key
  • Use GeneratDataKey API to encrypt data that > 4KB.


  • How it works? Don't need to know for the exam but good to know Pasted image 20221019215235.png
    • When calling GenerateDataKey API, AWS send back:
      • plaintext data key
      • encrypted data key using CMK
    • We then use client side encryption with both these information to encrypt our file


  • We send envelop file for AWS to send back a plain text data key. And then we can use it to decrypt big file Pasted image 20221019215540.png

  • For these, we can use AWS Encryption SDK which will do the hard work for us.

    • Feature: Data Key Caching ^98d8e4
      • Cache the data key or reusing instead of creating a new one
      • Help reducing the number of calls to KMS with a security trade-off
      • Use LocalCryptoMaterialsCache (max age, max bytes, max number of messages)