AWS CDK (Infrastructure As Code)

Different than SDK:

  • CDK is infrastructureas code to create AWS infrastructure.
  • SDK is to connect to other aws services on your code
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  • Define your cloud infrastructure using programming language. Similar to CloudFormation
    • Javascript, typescript, python, java, .net
    • Note: the code must be compilable for this to work
  • The code is then compiled into CloudFormation template (JSON/Yaml)
  • Useful when you want type-safe.

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Getting started

Run this in an empty folder to initialise the project

cdk init --language javascript

Once done, do this to create a cloud formation template on AWS

cdk bootstrap

(Optional) to see the output of cloudformation template

cdk synth

If happy, we can then deploy the CloudFormation template

cdk deploy

If we want to destroy the stack

cdk destroy