Cloudfront Signed URL - Signed Cookies

  • Distribute premium content for users over the world with CloudFront

  • We can use CloudFront Signed URL / cookie

    • Signed URL: access to individual file
    • Signed Cookies: access to multiple file
      • Example: CloudFront-Policy=eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAyMy0wNy0wOVQxODoxNzowMC4wMDBaIiwia...; CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=EXAMPLEKEYPAIRID; CloudFront-Signature=abcdefgHIJKLMNOpqr
  • Signed URL vs S3 Pre-signed URL

    • Cloudfront Signed URL
      • Purpose: Used to grant temporary access to private content served through CloudFront
      • Allow access to path, no matter origin
      • Account wide key-pair, only the root can manage it
      • Can be filter by IP, path, date, expiration
      • Leverage caching featuresPasted image 20220927130338.png
      • Example:
    • S3 Pre-signed URL ^8611ef
      • Purpose: Used to grant temporary access to private S3 object directly
      • Issue a request as the person who pre-signed URL
      • Uses IAM key of the signing IAM principal
        • User then have the same permission
      • Limited LifetimePasted image 20220927130346.png
      • Example:
  • Two types of signers

    • Trusted key group (recommended)
      • Leverage APIs to create and rotate keys (and IAM for API security)
      • You can create one or more trusted key groups
      • To do this
        • you create your own public / private key
          • private key is used by your applications to sign urls
          • public key is used by cloudfront to verify urls
        • Add the public key to trusted key groups
    • AWS account that contains a cloudfront keypair
      • Need to manage using root account and the AWS console
      • Not recommeded since you should not use the root account