
A fixture mark is to mark some particular files. There are a few mark type:

Skip mark

We can use skip mark to skip a test case, for example:

import pytest

class TestDatabase:

    @pytest.mark.skip(reason = "Not ready")
    def test_givenDatabase_shouldSkipTest(self, database):
        raise NotImplemenedError()

In this example, we are using the code from Fixture

When running pytest, this test will be marked as skip (s)

================================================ test session starts =================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.10, pytest-8.2.2, pluggy-1.5.0
rootdir: /Users/austin/projects/learn/python/pytest
collected 5 items                                                                                                    

tests/ .                                                                                           [ 20%]
tests/services/ s                                                                          [ 40%]
tests/services/ ..                                                                     [ 80%]
tests/services/ .                                                                             [100%]

============================================ 4 passed, 1 skipped in 0.01s ============================================

Expect failed

We can mark a test that it's expect to fail, for example:

class TestDatabase:

    def test_givenDatabase_shouldExpectFal(self, database):
        actual = database.query("some query")
        assert actual is not None

As a result, when running, it will show as xfailed (x)

====================================== 4 passed, 1 skipped, 1 xfailed in 0.02s =======================================

And the whole test suit still passed

Custom mark

Custom mark is useful when you want to filter out your test cases. You can then run only your marked tests using

python -m marker

For example, in the root folder, create pytest.ini

├── env
├── pytest.ini
├── requirement.txt
├── src
└── tests

With the content

markers =
  regression_test: "tests for regression purpose"
  performance_test: "tests for performance purpose"

This will register our markers and let pytest know that they're valid

Next, we can use these marker in our test

import pytest

class TestDatabase:

    def test_givenDatabase_regression(self, database):
        actual = database.query("regression query")
        assert actual is None

    def test_givenDatabase_performance(self, database):
        actual = database.query("performance query")
        assert actual is None

So now, in order to run regression_test, you use:

pytest -m regression_test

That will only pick up the tests that are masked with regression_test. Similar for performance_test