Facade Pattern

Facade pattern is basically the same as Service. It used to initalise different dependency if you need when the class gets a bit complex

public class RateLimiterService {

  private final RateLimitingAlgorithm rateLimitingAlgorithm;

  private final Scheduler scheduler = createScheduler();

  public RateLimiterService(BucketTokenConfig config) {
    rateLimitingAlgorithm = new BucketToken(config, scheduler);

  public RateLimiterService(LeakingBucketConfig config) {
    rateLimitingAlgorithm = new LeakingBucket(config, scheduler);

  private Scheduler createScheduler() {
    Timer timer = new Timer();
    ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    return new AlgorithmScheduler(executorService, timer);

  public boolean apply(Request request) {
    return rateLimitingAlgorithm.apply(request);

  public int getCapacity() {
    return rateLimitingAlgorithm.getCapacity();

For example in here, a rate limiting algorithm will take a Scheduler which we can use Facade pattern to inject the dependency in.